Ingrid Schoeman
Mobile +27 76 892 1974
Email [email protected]
Candy Jacobs
Mobile +27 73 841 8752
Email [email protected]
Health Talk Occupational TB survivors discussed the increased risk of health workers to contract TB on SABC’s Health Talk.
Helene-Mari van der Westhuizen discussed on Newzroom Afrika that the mask-wearing habit could be important to also prevent the transmission of TB.
To commemorate World TB Day 2019, Bart Willems and Thato Mosidi, both health workers and TB survivors, joined the Expresso show for an in-depth TB discussion.
For women’s month, Dalene von Delft was interviewed on the Expresso show where she discussed more about her difficult TB journey.
Medical practitioners in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape explained that the wide-spread failure of TB patients completing their treatment makes it increasingly difficult to control the spread of XDR-TB. Most patients also battle with the stigma attached to the disease.
TB Proof has contributed to scientific evidence as part of our TB advocacy tactics.
TB remains the leading infectious disease killer in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) reported that in 2019, 10 million people fell ill with TB and 1,4 million died. In South Africa, TB is the leading overall cause of mortality with a reported 58 000 deaths in 2019, despite it being a preventable and curable disease.
Latent TB
When a person with TB disease coughs, sneezes or talks, the TB bacteria are expelled in the air. The bacteria can stay in the air for a few hours, depending on the ventilation in the room. An uninfected person can inhale the TB bacteria and get infected with TB. This person may not present with TB symptoms as the bacteria can be dormant in the body. This is called latent TB (Aurum Institute, online). Yet, latent TB can progress to TB disease in one in ten people (WHO, online). Once someone is diagnosed with TB disease and starts TB treatment, the risk for transmission to others decreases dramatically.
Click here to view our TPT videos.
Pulmonary TB
The most common form of TB is pulmonary TB or TB of the lungs.
Extrapulmonary TB
TB can affect any part of the human body, from the brain to the toes. This type of TB is then called extrapulmonary TB (outside of the lungs).
TB treatment includes oral medication which is usually taken for six months, but it can depend on the type of TB a person has. The treatment can be difficult to take due to the number of pills. Some of the treatment side effects can be frustrating but not dangerous (for example making your urine and tears orange) but others can indicate a more dangerous problem. An example is vomiting and pain over the right side of the abdomen can be a sign of liver problems (National Tuberculosis Management Guidelines, 2014).
Recently, two new drugs, Bedaquiline and Delamanid, have been introduced by the South African Department of Health for use in all patients with DR-TB to replace the injectable drug (South African Government, 2018).
For information aimed at health workers about potential side effects of drug-resistant TB medication please visit this link: MDR-TB Pocket Guide, 2018
Many clinics and hospitals provide support groups for TB patients. Support groups provide an essential platform where TB patients and TB survivors can freely share about their TB experiences. Goodman Makanda, a TB advocate and TB survivor from Khayelitsha said, “My support group helped to keep me alive, it was where I was able to talk to someone who understood what I was going through”.
Remember you are not alone. Contact the toll free helpline accessible from South Africa at 0800 012 322.
You can also join our TB Proof community. Click here to find out more on how to join TB Proof.
There are new national guidelines from the National Dept of Health related to the situation of this family.
All close contacts (not only young children) of a person diagnosed with TB need to do the following:
TB testing and TPT is available for free at all state / government clinics.
The South African National TB prevalence survey showed that 57.8 % of people included who were diagnosed with TB (based on sputum tests or chest X-Rays), had no TB symptoms. So, many people have asymptomatic TB, and the only way we will find them is to do more TB testing – this is called systematic screening.
The TB Testing and Screening Standard Operating Procedure ( released by the National Department of Health in 2022, provides information on the Targeted Universal TB Testing (TUTT) policy and how it should be implemented.
TUTT stands for Targeted Universal TB Testing. It recommends that high risk individuals are tested for TB, whether or not they have symptoms of TB. High risk groups include close contacts of people diagnosed with TB, people living with HIV and people who had TB in the previous two years. Testing does not depend on symptoms. The goal of this policy is to find missing people with TB and make sure they get fully treated .
The 2023 national TB policy called the “National guidelines on the Treatment of TB Infection”, ( commonly referred to as the “TPT policy” recommends that people who are at higher risk of getting TB should be offered TB preventive medication to prevent TB, after TB disease is ruled out.
What is new in this policy is that the eligibility criteria TPT have been expanded (to include close contacts of people diagnosed with TB), and also that there are shorter TPT regimens. Instead of taking medication daily for 6 months (6H which is INH = Isoniazid) there are now 2 shorter new TPT options:
These new policies are part of global efforts to end the TB epidemic. Knowledge of TB is empowering. Tell others what you know about TB. We can all make a difference in the quest to end TB.
What is TB?
Is TB a common illness?
How does a person get TB?
Who can get TB?
Who is a close contact of a person with TB?
How do you know whether you might have TB?
What should you do if you think you might have TB?
What is TB Preventative Treatment (TPT)?
How is TB linked to HIV?
What can YOU do about TB?
Ingrid Schoeman
Mobile +27 76 892 1974
Email [email protected]
Candy Jacobs
Mobile +27 73 841 8752
Email [email protected]
© 2025 TB Proof