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TB Contact Tracing

By conducting research in KESS, we will characterise barriers and enablers to TB policy implementation focused on contact tracing and treatment.

To better understand barriers and enablers to the implementation of the TUTT policy as well as the National Guidelines on the Treatment of TB Infection (TPT) policy, we will facilitate focus group discussions (FGDs) with groups of a) health workers and b) TB patients and their contacts at facilities in KESS.

TB Accountability (Ukuphendula nge TB)

TB Proof will mentor community representatives serving on hospital boards and clinic committees to fulfil their role in keeping the district-level Department of Health accountable for the delivery of quality TB services in Khayelitsha.

We will develop TB policy briefs to guide TB champion workshops for 18 representatives as part of a mentorship programme.

TB Policy Accountability

South Africa’s National TB Recovery Plan and National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2023-2028 (NSP) describe key strategies to end TB in our communities.

Now, TB guidelines outline that all close TB contacts, people living with HIV, and people with previous TB (in the past two years) should get tested for TB. If they test positive, they must start TB treatment without delay.

If they test negative, they should take TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) for protection against TB Infection progressing to TB disease.

CHW TB Champions

A community health worker (CHW) is a representative of a specific community. They have earned the communities’ trust to enter their homes and assist them to improve their health status.

CHWs provide person-centred care where they build a relationship with each household member. Through their commitment, genuine care and passion to end TB, they are critical in reaching people with TB who are not accessing health services and linking them to healthcare.

TB Proof led a Bill and Melinda Gates funded project
where we worked with CHWs to identify and address
gaps in the local cascade of TB care, and advocate for
their role in the health care system.

TB Preventive Therapy

Some people may have latent TB – where some is infected by the TB bacteria but they do not show TB symptoms and cannot infect others.

However, latent TB can progress to TB disease in about one in ten people, and more frequently in people who are HIV positive. Offering treatment for latent TB is a valuable preventative tool, that can help reduce the number of people who become sick with TB.

TB Proof has been working in partnership with Treatment Action Group (TAG) on a project to improve access to treatment for latent TB for people in South Africa.

TB Stigma Project

Stigma is a term describing the feeling of being ashamed, or experiencing societal disapproval in the way that other people treat you.

TB is a stigmatised disease because it is often associated with HIV, poverty, drug and alcohol misuse, homelessness, being imprisoned or a refugee. Some people believe that only a ‘certain kind of person can get TB’, when the truth is anyone that breathes can get TB.

All Oral Drug-Resistant TB Treatment

For many years patients were given a difficult choice: die because of drug resistant TB or become deaf as a results of the treatment.

TB Proof’s advocacy campaign ‘Not Deaf or Dead – A Third Choice’ called for policy makers to replace the injectable drug used to treat drug resistant TB with newer, safer, more effective treatment options. Amplifying the voices of TB survivors contributed to a change in South Africa and the WHO’s drug resistant TB guidelines.

TB Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Training

Healthcare workers (HCWs) are three times more likely to be infected by TB than the general public and six times more likely to be hospitalized with drug-resistant TB.

The mortality rate in healthcare workers is also high, as up to a third of HCWs may end up dying from drug-resistant TB. We designed an online TB IPC training tool that aims to make healthcare facilities safer for health workers and patients.

to #EndTB

Stigma can prevent people with TB symptoms being screened for TB and is a barrier to completing TB treatment.

Approximately 60% of people living with TB in South Africa also have Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), another highly stigmatised disease. A community, rights and gender assessment done in South Africa revealed that stigma and discrimination is pervasive among South African communities.

South African community health workers (CHWs) play a critical role in supporting person-centred care: raising TB awareness, providing TB information in local languages to communities, and supporting people with TB at each step on the care cascade.

Most of my TB journey, I spent in hospital. When I would encounter nursing staff or visitors in the lift or ward, while wearing my mask, they would back away, clearly not wanting to associate with me.
You could just feel and sense when people are against you without them saying a word… their actions did hurt me.

Stigma continues to be a major barrier to providing high quality person-centred TB care. TB Proof is committed to destigmatising all forms of TB.

Phumeza Tisile

XDR-TB survivor

Photo credit: Jelle Krings/
Médecins Sans Frontières

World TB Day Stories

Our members engaged in various activities to celebrate World TB Day. Our World TB Day reports capture our engagements leading up to each year’s World TB day

World TB Day Reports

World TB Day Report 2020

World TB Day Report 2019

World TB Day Report 2018

World TB Day Report 2017

World TB Day Videos

Unmask Stigma Flash Mob

Popular Graffiti artist Nardstar created a magnificent piece at Delft clinic for World TB day 2017 featuring XDR-TB survivor Phumeza Tisile and the Unmask Stigma initiative. Phumeza Tisile was used as the “Face of a TB Champion” with the message: “Behind the masks we all are the same”.

SABC’s Health Talk 2020

TB Proof members presented on SABC’s Health Talk about both COVID-19 and TB.

Expresso show 2016, Women’s Month: TB Proof Founder Dalene von Delft

Dalene von Delft discussed how she contracted TB as a healthcare worker and how this led to her co-founding TB Proof.

SABC Health Talk, Tuberculosis: 26 March 2016

TB experts joined SABC’s Health talk in celebration of World TB Day 2016 and shed more light on TB transmission, people at increased risk from TB and why TB screening and follow-up are very important for TB prevention and care.

Health24 2014

Dalene von Delft shared how her dreams of becoming a paediatric surgeon were seemingly shattered when she was diagnosed with MDR-TB on Christmas Eve of 2010.

Opinion Pieces

Bold perspectives and fresh ideas from TB advocates and experts, offering solutions to advance TB prevention, treatment, and policy.


Someone close to me has been diagnosed with TB- what should I do?

Does SA’s biggest killer show up in your party's manifesto?

Let’s unite to end TB’ – a community-led approach can help wipe out TB in SA.

Why is TB called the ‘disease of paper’ in Eastern Cape villages?


We probably all know someone who has or has had tuberculosis — we just don’t know it.


In-dept SA company gearing up to make API.

TB an infectious killer that never got its due.

What should the TB priorities be in the New NSP?


Fingerstick blood test shows promise for TB screening.

Quality Tuberculosis Care starts with people.

Deaths from Tuberculosis rose in 2020 after falling for a decade.

How one policy change could curb two airborne epidemics in South Africa.

Wes-Kaapse TB noodplan vorder goed.

Could community health workers be the answer to reducing Tuberculosis stigma?

The battle against Covid-19 can provide valuable lessons for those fighting against tuberculosis.

Engage communities and leverage COVID-19 innovations to address SA’s TB crisis.

One mask to rule them all: This type of cloth mask is better than two.


COVID-19 and Tuberculosis: We need a damaged control plan.

Advocacy letters

We have developed various advocacy letters, as supported by various individuals
and organisations, calling for:


Open Letter | Minister of Health Joe Phaala, make TB a political priority


Civil Society Calls for Urgent Action on TB Policy Implementation in the Western Cape


TB Proof’s position statement in response to learning of the receipt of tobacco industry funding by the Foundation for Professional Development (FPD), in the context of FPD’s role as organizers of the 7th South African TB conference


The Release of the National TB Response Plan


#MasksForAll - South African Position Statement

CHW Advocacy Letter


Occupational Health Policy

Protect those who protect us, by preventing deadly infections


CHW Advocacy

Need for the release of TPT Guidelines in SA


 My Patient’s Choice