After her own difficult experience battling extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) and hearing the
stories of what other TB patients and survivors had been through, medical doctor Thato Mosidi (29) realised
she had an important role to play in the treatment of and education about TB in South Africa.
“I believe if we start talking about it and educating people about the disease, we’ll be well on the way to eradicating it,” she
Modisi is a member of the South African National Aids Council’s Global Fund Country Co-ordinating Mechanism,
representing the TB community in civil society. The CCM raises funds to assist developing nations in responding to the
challenges of HIV and Aids, tuberculosis and malaria.
She is also a member of nongovernmental organisation TB Proof, a voluntary group formed by doctors, health care
workers and medical students who have personal experience of occupationally-acquired TB, particularly drug-resistant
forms of the disease. The group seeks to raise awareness about occupational, nosocomial (originating in hospital) and
community-based TB transmission. It further educates health care workers and students on how to protect themselves
from being infected with TB in the workplace.
“My greatest challenge is accepting that change will not happen overnight. We still have so much to do before we can rid
the world of TB, and it will take hard work, many critical decisions and getting hands dirty to get the job done.”